The Howard Family Blog

Monday, November 23, 2009

One year old portraits

So the boys are turning one next week! So we wanted to get a few portraits done at Walmart for the occassion. They didn't go nearly as well as last time...Mr. Xavier James decided that he was having none of it and was going to pitch a fit. I am talking throwing himself on the ground, face first and screaming booooooooo booooooo the whole time. Lol, he was such a turkey...wouldn't stand, wouldn't sit, he was cranky pants. So, while Octavian was cheesing it up the entire session, we were hard pressed to find a good shot of both! But I guess when you are one and have just learned to walk, the last thing you want to do is sit still! :) Anyway, here are the shots. I can't believe they will be one!!!

Xavier kept stealing the number one and throwing it as hard as he could! lol

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bee Boppin'

Couldn't resist posting this video. The boys LOVE to dance! We put on this TV show called Imagination Movers and they have a catchy little opening song and the boys just rock out! I tried to get a video of them standing up and dancing (they do the little knee-bend jig and it is so cute!) but they kept sitting down. Xavier has started to swing his arms from side-to-side and clap. So funny! Anyway, here is a video I got the other day...the last part of it is pretty cute.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh and one more thing...

No pictures or video yet, but Xavier is walking now! He took his first steps the other night and now is toddling two and three steps at a time towards everything. He tries to walk, then claps for himself at the same time, so he falls :) It is pretty cute.

Fall in the Park

Adam and I took the boys to the Boomer Lake Park the other day, it was such a pretty day and the leaves were so pretty. We fed bread to the ducks (which Tavian did not like very much!) and swung on the "big boy" swings. The boys even went down the slide and crawled in the tunnel. Man, they are getting big! Here are some pics:

Xavier cheesing while swinging

Tavian cracked up the whole time

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ball Pit Fun!

Adam had a great idea a few weeks ago to make a ball pit for the boys. We had their little pool from the summer time and we found 100 soft plastic balls at Walmart and boy do they love it! They take dives, head first into it and just kick and play forever! We soon learned that Xavier has a pretty mean fast ball! He loves playing catch and has quite the arm! Attached are a couple of videos:

Dad and boys first game of catch :)

Attached is a video of Tavian "splashing" and Xavier talking:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat

The boys had a little Halloween party at daycare on Friday, so we dressed them up in their costumes for the day. Tavian is in the frog costume and Xavier is in the giraffe one. They kept looking at each other and laughing, it was pretty cute. I think they both thought each other looked pretty ridiculous! But they were comfy little costumes, so they didn't mind too much being dressed up. We obviously didn't go trick or treating because they don't eat candy yet, but we had fun anyway. Here are a few pics of the boys in their costumes:

The picture below cracks me up. Xavier kept trying to grab Tavian "eyes" off the top of his head. Tavian had finally had enough...the look on his face is hilarious. "If you touch my eyes one more time bubbba..." LOL