The boys got 2 cozy coups for Christmas from their Nana and Paapa. They got a police car and a fire engine...and they love them! They love pushing each other around in them (makes my job easy! :) and they love riding along, honking the horn. We have them indoors right now because of the icky weather but I can't wait for spring so they can hit the open road! Here are a few pics:
This is Tavian's gansta face, lol
Xavier loves to stand up on everything! Little turkey is a climber!
Here are a few cute pictures I got of Tavian the other day. He is hilarious, he loves reading books, playing in tents and carrying his "Ruffles" the puppy dog around. His many faces crack me up, just thought I would share!
Aunt Rachael got the boys a huge series of tents that connect to make a train! Tavian loves crawling through the tunnels and especially loves diving in through the train window!
Right before bed-time with Ruffles in his diaper, he drags this dog around everywhere!